Don’t you just love trying these wonderful and often challenging church puzzles!

Answers - try before checking the answers!

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Puzzle #9 Psalms

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MUMC Puzzle #8 Plagues of Egypt

puzzle 8.jpg

MUMC Puzzle #7


MUMC Puzzle #6


MUMC Puzzle #5

Puzzle 5 – Women of the Bible

Names can be found going all directions (Top down, Bottom Up, Backwards)


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MUMC Puzzle #4

Commitment Matching

Date:  May 20, 2020 Our Membership Commitments

Source: Matecumbe United Methodist Church Commitments Worksheet

Complete the sentences below by matching the words on the left with the phrase on the right. 

Use each word one time.  

Back               ________ Up your ministry (1 Peter 4:10)

Give               ________ Up to church (Hebrews 10:23-25)

Lift                   ________ Up your pastor (Hebrews 13:17, 1 Timothy 5:17)

Listen              ________ Up to God (Psalm 119:11-16, Proverbs 4:20)

Offer               ________ Up your brothers (Romans 12:10-11)

Show               ________ Up your rights (Matthew 16:24-25)

Start                ________ Up your tithes (Malachi 3:8-10)

Match the person with their response to mission opportunities 

Habakkuk                   Not Me

Moses                         Send Me

Jonah                         Who Me

Isaiah                          Why Me

MUMC Puzzle #3


 MUMC Puzzle #2  

Unscramble the names


1.       Mary and Martha had a brother named  aralsuz

2.       Jesus had a brother named smjea


3.       Saul had a son named  natjnoha

4.       David had a son named  omnsloo

5.       David’s father was  sejes


Match the husbands and wives

6.       Ruth                              Abraham

7.       Sarah                             Joseph

8.       Mary                             David

9.       Elizabeth                      Boaz     

10.   Bathsheba                  Zachariah

Our bonus question is from last week’s sermon:

The path to greatness is    

MUMC Puzzle #1

Bible word scrambles:

1. The arc was built by haon

2. There are 12 plicsides

3. Two of the disciples names are

1. Mweholrboat

2. Suedtahd

Multiple Choice:

1. How many times did Peter deny knowing Jesus (one, two, three, four times)

2. What animal announced the betrayal of Jesus ( Sparrow, Rooster, Crow)

Matecumbe church and past sermon scrambles:

1. God’s plan cannot be whteratd

2. In the bible, multiples of seven represent ntecfpiroe

3. Another name for God is eyhwha

4. Bring the Light of Jesus Christ to Our islands is the church osnimsi tmtsaene

Bonus question: Who stands at the left hand of God?